Friday, September 22, 2006

Every Which way but Loose

Hello there,
Well its been a very busy time of late, we're back in Glasgow for a couple of weeks before we go off globetrotting again. We've been all over the shop, UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Spain, Germany, Sweden. Every Which Way But Loose (only without an orangutang). Aiports and Planes, Minibuses, lots of travelling, lots of waiting around. People often say to me, "Gav", they say, "How do you all cope with all the travellling and waiting about?" "Celebrity Lookalikes" i reply.
Celebrity lookalikes is the most fun you can have in an airport/any place that you have to wait about where there are other people. You can probably guess from the name what the point of the game is. Spot people who look like someone famous. Its not about getting a spitting image, its more about seeing someone who looks a bit like someone famous and has particular features that makes you think of said famous person, often more like a caricature of the celebrity. You then turn round discretely and say, "Check out *insert celebrity lookalike here*" And theres the fun, everyone you are with looks about to try and spot the celebrity lookalike. If you get spotted looking by the celebrity lookalike its a bit of a brassneck, but once you start, its compulsive stuff. Many laughs have been had by us playing this game over the years, so have a go at it, i guarantee you will enjoy it.
Have fun.... Gav

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Granny Belter!

My sister has just completed her nursing degree. Hooray! 4 years of study and all with a small, but bulky and very powerful, son raised pretty much on her own. That's the reason most people believe her to be my older sister when the contrary is true. Responsibility you see, brings a sense of maturity, apparently.

Anyway, we celebrated with an afternoon lunch and my Gran was there too. We'd eaten the main course and I was hoovering the rest of my pudding when my Gran lets slip that she'd tried to get into the Indian Summer gig we played a couple of Sundays ago in Glasgow's Victoria Park.

My Gran has always stayed near this park and knew there was a bandstand there which she thought we were playing in. She negotiated her way to the entrance and was told that indeed her grandson's band were playing and hadn't he put her on the guest list? Well no, she thought she'd just pop along and besides he'd already put his nephew and sister on the list. Well how much to get in? £33!
My gran got on a bus to go home.

If a story surfaces in a certain Scottish tabloid newspaper regarding a cold-hearted drummer in a minor Glasgow indie band, refusing his 84 year old grandmother entry to his gigs, well at least you'll know all the facts. Won't you?


Monday, September 04, 2006

Summer's what you make it

Today I am wearing woolly tights, the front windows show it is sunny, the back; the moody glare of rain-sodden sky. Yesterday, Glasgow’s Indian Summer filled me with winter. I am not much of a fan of the windswept music experience. My shoes are wrecked.
But there were warm moments.
Anthony and the Johnsons were a burst of the finest purple-skyed misery. Yo La Tengo annoyed people with their self-indulgent guitar-shaking but reduced us to helpless smiles, they dedicated a song to us knowing they’re our heroes. Broken Social Scene also demonstrated a coy liking for us and churned up their set with frequent bursts of the Lloyd riff. I missed a lot of the music in the afternoon shivering like a coward as the rain sprayed down the back of my neck in the catering tent while Yo La Tengo talked to us about pornography.

In previous weeks we have been to Sweden, Germany and Ireland, watched the Dresden Dolls eating soup, swooned as the Swedish kids made hearts at us, been willingly patronised by Dublin bar staff encouraging us to drink 3 pint monstrosities of Guinness, let Jack White try on my glasses. It’s been fun.

Tracy and I are eating fancy chocolates for breakfast because there isn’t anything else.

Carey x

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Francis (our manager) and Carey are in my livingroom at this moment in time counting and sorting out our t-shirts. I thought I'd get out of it by being a smart arse and offering to blog.
We've been very busy lately so I haven't had much time to share much with you. We've been to North America and everything. Very nice it was indeed and I'd like to thank everyone who came to see us there. Special hello to Scarlet from L.A by the way. I misplaced a notebook she gave me but it turned up this morning out of the blue. Thank you for following us along the west coast. I do think you're a nut but in a good way. I'm going to put that notebook to good use next week and start writing some new songs. Exciting. well, I hope something good will come out of it.
Oh, I'm very very very happy to have El pero del mar supporting us on our up and coming UK dates. You are in for a treat kids. She is amazing and her songs will make you weep with joy and sadness at the same time. Check her album out.
Apparantly this morning Jonathan Ross almost played our new single 'Let's get out of this country' on his radio show but opted for 'an old clasic' instead. What's that all about? I think you lot should write in and Put him in his place and tell him to stop being a bore. We don't need to hear old classics on the radio. There's too juch new stuff to be heard. Talking of new stuff, I can't wait to see Tilly and The wall tomorrow at Indian summer. We're playing on the same stage as them. I heard they are fantastic live and tap dance and everything. wonderful. Talking about Indian Summer. I'd better get myself along there now, I don't want to miss the lovey Guillomots. Been doing a lot of plugging in this blog haven't I?
